As an artist I have a need to carry something to draw with at all times and although I can carry a sketchbook in a bag, or a pocket, sometimes those are too uncomfortable to carry. So I decided to design a wallet in mind to carry a notebook or sketchbook in the size of 3x5". While there are many wallets that can hold a Field Notes or Moleskine book, this wallet needed to hold a drawing utensil as well yet still accommodate the usual necessities you fill a wallet. 
Below is the currently used model after months of use and still holding up. Constructed in leather, an embossed personalized logo (mine) and contrast stitching (red). The leather itself was dyed dark blue.
The second prototype of this wallet featured an open socket on the topside for the drawing utensil. While the first version didn't have any issues holding the pencil (they have to be a certain size after all) I wanted to see if I could still maximize the space, thus slightly widening the original pencil pocket to accommodate a key. While not entirely necessary it was for my own thought process. And while the pencil at the top has more chance of breakage, ultimately it's meant to hold any kind of utensil, and the next product idea would be a shortened mechanical pencil to fit the wallet.
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